Terrence Howard: ‘It Hurts’ Not Having Jussie Smollett on ‘Empire’ Set

Credit: Fox

As the sixth and final season of Empire nears its premiere date, Terrence Howard says things aren’t the same on set without Jussie Smollett.

Howard shared his feelings in a new interview with Extra, as the entertainment show visited the set of the Fox drama.

“It hurts,” the actor said when asked how it feels not having Smollett around. “It’s like losing a son.”

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Howard co-stars on the series as Lucious Lyon. Smollett, who played his son Jamal, was written off the show following his alleged hate crime attack in Chicago on Jan. 29.

Smollett claimed he was walking down a city street in the dark, when two masked men began yelling racial and homophobic slurs. The actor said the suspects beat him, wrapped a rope around his neck and yelled “this is MAGA country.”

Following a lengthy investigation, police said Smollett orchestrated the attack in hopes of getting a salary bump on Empire. While the charges against the actor were ultimately dropped, he was dismissed from the TV series.

Despite missing the actor, Howard admitted he doesn’t miss the intense media coverage surrounding the case.

“It’s nice not having all of the media circus around regarding all of the things that took place,” he said.

[Watch the video below]

Terrence Howard also caused jaws to drop during the interview when he said he plans to quit Hollywood once the series ends.

“I’m done with acting. I’m done pretending,” he stated. The Oscar-nominated actor (Hustle & Flow) didn’t elaborate on how he’ll spend his time, only saying, “I’m just focusing on bringing the truth to the world.”

The final season of Empire premieres Tuesday, Sept. 24 at 9/8c.

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About Anita Bennett

Anita Bennett is the editor and founder of Urban Hollywood 411. She can be reached on Twitter @tvanita.

32 thoughts on “Terrence Howard: ‘It Hurts’ Not Having Jussie Smollett on ‘Empire’ Set

  1. When will these Hollywood morons understand that they don’t have ANY greater particular insight about “truth” than anyone else does. If by focusing on bringing it to the world, that means running for political office, please spare us. I’ve heard your liberal hogwash til it’s insulting and nauseating. Stick your truth where the sun doesn’t shine.

  2. Smollett received LESS than he deserved. Hopefully this will continue to have a life of it’s own until he
    ACTUALLY pays a price for the crime he so stupidly attempted.

  3. What REALLY hurts is to be a Trump supporter andconstantly slandered by leftwing homosexual activist liars who have a massive, media megaphone. So stuff it where the sun don’t shine, DA

  4. Yeah, well, Trump supporters are sick of the leftwing homosexual activist liars blabbing their slander through their compliant media propagandists. So stuff it.

  5. Smollett filed a false police report and was also racist since he linked “Trump” supporters with the fabricated attack. Because of the alleged of the occurrence, the location it never made sense to me nor was it believable from the start.

  6. Smollett is one of the all time losers….lost his job, reputation and fame on a cold Chicago night……….

  7. Terrence Howard PLEASE do not retire acting you are one of the best actors of all time. Truly. Stay in the game even if it’s a movie every so often, do not retire. We are so blessed to see your performances. I’ve seen most things you’ve done and you are superb. Plus you can dance good – as in the Madonna video Ghost Town – you looked so comfortable and in the lead. Great video – you are just amazing. DO NOT RETIRE – PLEASE

    1. The best part was when he did the impression of the Osundario brothers saying what Jussie claimed had been said. Best part of the Jussie segment, that is. Hard to pick a best part of that special.

  8. You miss him, it hurts. Quit now. Small lose, and in a year it may end up. ‘Trivial Pursuit’ answer. Maybe.

  9. Racial slurs, homo slurs, a freakin noose ? This was ordered by the Obama’s. They were never to smart, but this takes the cake. This was all about starting riots, throughout the country, costing lives and property damage in the trillions !

  10. Jussie Smollett Syndrome, where one falsely claims they were racially attacked, will be known as JSS going forward.

    PS< Mr Terrence, you even uttering those words lost you a fan.

  11. “I’m just focusing on bringing the truth to the world.” But he misses Jussie. Don’t make sense.

  12. Juicy Smoyay, the famous French actor who paid to black men to attack him in order to slander good honest American MAGA supporters whilst simultaneously faking a hate crime against his gayness is also connected to the obama’s and the DNC. Pretty obvious it was a group effort.

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