A&E’s ‘Inmate to Roommate’ Clip: Fed Up Homeowner Tells Felon ‘Get the F–k Out!’

Inmate to Roommate Promo. (Credit: A&E)

Sometimes guests can wear out their welcome and that appears to be the case in a preview clip for A&E’s Inmate to Roommate.

The original documentary series follows everyday people across the country who welcome newly-released inmates into their homes.

The clip shows a group of ex-convicts adjusting to their new living arrangements with mixed results. While things start out hopeful for the felons, they quickly go south in some of the cases.

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Bill, who spent 18 years behind bars for grand theft auto, cocaine possession and escaping prison, met his new roommates through a prison pen pal program. After moving in with the deeply religious couple, Bill gets fed up.

“If you have something I need to know about, tell me. It will make a difference!” Bill says as he throws a water bottle across the room.

Jovan, a felon who did time for selling drugs, is shown moving in with a sympathetic woman and her family.

“I do understand what he’s going through, because I’ve lived it,” the woman says.

Moments later, she admits: “This could go ape sh-t,” which it apparently does.

“Jovan not calling for the past two days is some bullsh–,” the woman says.

“Get the f–k out!” she tells Jovan. “You ain’t got to go home, but you got to get the f–k out of here!”

A&E says in a press release roommate programs like these are meant to provide ex-convicts with stable living situations and stop recidivism, noting that the U.S. has one of the world’s highest recidivism rates with approximately 76 percent of released prisoners being re-arrested after 5 years.

Inmate to Roommate is produced by Sharp Entertainment, a part of Sony Pictures Television, for A&E. Executive producers for Sharp Entertainment include Matt Sharp, Dan Adler and Laura Korkoian with Joseph Ruzer as co-executive producer. Elaine Frontain Bryant, Shelly Tatro and Jonathan Partridge serve as executive producers for A&E.

The series premieres Thursday, Aug. 18 at 10pm ET/PT on A&E, right after the new season of 60 Days In debuts at 9pm ET/PT.

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