‘Multicultural News Network’ Targeting Diverse Audiences to Launch in 2021

Multicultural News Network Logo. (Credit: MNN)

Multicultural News Network, a new television channel focusing on diverse content and voices, will launch in the second half of 2021.

MNN will produce daily newscasts and programming “serving multicultural communities including, but not limited to: Blacks, Hispanics, LGBTQ communities, Asians, Native Americans, people of Middle Eastern descent,” the company said in a recent press release.

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The network is founded by DuJuan McCoy, owner and CEO of Circle City Broadcasting, parent company of local stations WISH-TV and MyINDY-TV 23 in Indianapolis, Indiana.

“MNN has been in development for a few years, and I am very excited to make this announcement alongside many valued and supportive partners,” McCoy said in a statement. “We believe MNN will change the way Americans view news while providing a national platform for many underserved, diverse communities that are voiceless in America’s current national news media landscape.”

The network will be based in Indianapolis along with WISH-TV and MyINDY-TV 23, and supported by news bureaus around the country, including in Washington, DC.

McCoy hopes to bring new jobs to his hometown of Indianapolis. “I believe MNN can become for the city of Indianapolis what CNN became for Atlanta,” he said.

MNN is partnering with McCoy’s Circle City Broadcasting and Cox Media Group (CMG).

“CMG strongly supports increasing diversity in media and providing authentic, unbiased platforms for underserved voices to be heard. We too, look forward to helping change and diversify the landscape of news in the US, which is the objective of MNN,” said CMG’s Executive Chairman Steve Pruett.

The team behind MNN describes the network as “non-partisan.” Much of the content will be produced and delivered by multicultural professionals “to ensure their authentic voice is being heard on a regular and national basis.”

A launch date and distribution partners will be announced later.

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19 thoughts on “‘Multicultural News Network’ Targeting Diverse Audiences to Launch in 2021

  1. I think we all know what this will be.. a network of endless false narratives that tell all these people what victims they are. They should just just go ahead and name it now.. “Victim News.” Let me guess, this is being started by a bunch of liberal white women? Oh wait, none of them have money, never mind.

  2. Just like the rest of the Media. The filthy tribe swill run the Media in the West. And they yearn for the “good old days” of their Messiahs – Lenin and Stalin – who they helped murder FIFTY MILLION across Russia and Eastern Europe. But those do not count, since they were mostly only Goyim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. You are Clearly behind the cutting edge of societal evolution. Drudge went over to the dark blue side at least a year and a half ago and has lost a huge portion of his former conservative eyeballs. His page has been hate/anti/never trump and taunted his former audience. He’s not anything close to white supremacist.

  4. ahhh..just what the world needs… improved public media…hope its just like the Pacifica radio format…Poor us..we be held down by The Man. we love racism….and hey..dont forget to try the NEW and improved modern Marxism…and by the way..we need money to keep this trash coming your way..call today and get a “free” TShirt..I Hate Whitey with your generous donation of just $100…

  5. There is nothing the matter with this. No one who is whining on here has to watch it. They aren’t targeting you to watch it anyways or me for that matter.

  6. If you think conservatives might yet become rational again, read these comments. Nothing but stupidity and xenophobia.

  7. That sounds like Breitbart. There’s no snowflake like a right-wing snowflake. Case in point: Trump has to have time to deal with his loss, because he has “feelings.”
    Aren’t you the guys with the “Facts Don’t Care About Your Feelings” slogan, and all the “F*ck Your Feelings” shirts at MAGA rallies?

  8. Yawn, another network featuring multihued lefty bigots discussing why they all hate white people and everyone else should, too.

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