One day after Barbra Streisand was essentially canceled on social media for saying Michael Jackson’s accusers were “thrilled” to be in his company, Diana Ross is joining the fray.
Amid fallout from the HBO documentary Leaving Neverland, the Reach Out and Touch singer took to Twitter Saturday to defend her late friend and co-star in the 1978 movie The Wiz.
“This is what’s on my heart this morning,” Ross began her post.
“I believe and trust that Michael Jackson was and is a magnificent incredible force to me and to many others. STOP IN THE NAME OF LOVE,” she added, referring to the title of The Supremes track “Stop! In the Name of Love.”
This is what’s on my heart this morning. I believe and trust that Michael Jackson was and is A magnificent incredible force to me and to many others.
STOP IN THE NAME OF LOVE— Ms. Ross (@DianaRoss) March 23, 2019
Ross’ remarks came after Streisand sparked outrage with her comments about Jackson’s accusers in a Friday interview published by The Times UK.
Streisand said the King of Pop’s accusers, Wade Robson and James Safechuck, “were thrilled to be there” and that the alleged abuse didn’t “kill them.”
Read More: Barbra Streisand Says Michael Jackson’s Accusers ‘Were Thrilled to Be There’
Leaving Neverland debuted earlier this month on HBO. The two-part documentary centered on abuse claims by Robson and Safechuck, now adults, who alleged Jackson began sexually molesting them when they were seven and ten years old.
After facing intense criticism for downplaying the men’s allegations, Streisand posted an apology on Instagram.
“I am profoundly sorry for any pain or misunderstanding I caused by not choosing my words more carefully about Michael Jackson and his victims, because the words as printed do not reflect my true feelings,” she said in a Saturday post.
“I didn’t mean to dismiss the trauma these boys experienced in any way,” she continued. “Like all survivors of sexual assault, they will have to carry this for the rest of their lives. I feel deep remorse and I hope that James and Wade know that I truly respect and admire them for speaking their truth.”
Jackson’s estate has repeatedly criticized Leaving Neverland. The estate also filed a $100 million dollar lawsuit against HBO, saying the documentary breached a previous agreement by the cable channel not to disparage the Thriller singer.
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Jackson was a sleazy piece of trash that molested countless children. Have no worries he is rotting in hell. As for Babs and all the rest of the POS “celebrities” they want so badly to be relevant and they are not. They can all just shut the hell up and crawl back under their rocks. Stick together “celebrities” cause no one else likes you. Disgusting and vile is all they are.
I challenge you to prove these two washed up dancers were telling the truth. What facts do you have except for the fact thes two punks are broke, mentally disturbed, and desperate …
… DESPERATE to destroy a persons who fed the hungry, helped the sick, saved lives of the dying, and opens up doors for many who had no chance to open those doors for themselves.
The fact that these sick jokers shared disgusting lies about an innocent soul, is putting blood on their own heads. And by YOU supporting them, makes YOU just as GUILTY! ?
God is FED UP with LIARS, and those who support such ones, with no fact checking having been done. God also dislikes laziness… …something that YOU’RE also guilty of for NOT doing your homework!?
Go somewhere and SITDOWN to do some fact finding research before you share in lies about the innocent, or be prepared to suffer the same consequences as these two liars soon will.
Only the works done in righteousness will be rewarded by The Almighty. God hasn’t forgotten the great things done by MJ and his name will be vindicated.
Michael Jackson was a pedophile. Stop acting like he was some saint. I don’t care how much ‘charity’ he did, it doesn’t make it ok for him to have molested children.
Wow! God told you that he was fed up! you must be special!
Ann said
“ Wow! God told you that he was fed up! you must be special!“
Yes Ms Ann.
IF you’d read God’s word… The Bible…
… you’d ALSO be special, in knowing the difference between lies and truth?
Try it one day soon!
You’ll thank God later ???
…and you’re showing more of your ignorance again by claiming that someone is rotting in hell. Please. Explain to all of us what HELL is. I’m
sure you have no idea.
Prove me wrong!?
Stop defending a criminal pedophile and face the facts. He had a sick obsession with young boys.
Funny how even though your bible tells you specifically, the wages of sin is death…it doesn’t say eternal torture or other sadistic tactics from an angry deity, but YOU want to believe your god treats creation like trash.
Why not look at the original language for “hell”? The original language in ancient hebrew is SHEOL, the greek word is “hades” and is talking about the GRAVE, not some sadistic place of torment.
What is it with some of you? If death is the wages for sin, why go about twisting your bible to say such things to support some eternal sadistic torture chamber? You are spreading lies, but that doesn’t matter right? You just love condemning, it makes you feel superior and powerful even though it is pure BS.
Leave it to religion to suck the life out or people, both in this life and the next. What a twisted angry hateful bunch justifying your glee at such sadistic statements. And some of you think Islam is hateful and murderous? LOL
From SE ? ASIA BUT THE CHILDREN ENJOYED IT & THE KIDS PARENTS WERE INVOLVED! They are going after him simply for money! Greedy Americans USA is a very divided cesspool !
Quote: “Have no worries he is rotting in hell.”
Spoken like a true christian who worships an angry beast, and gets enjoyment from condemning others. God is love, what is your excuse? You really believe your god tortures? What the hell do you follow?
I feel sorry for whatever made you so angry.
God does not actively torture sinners. He asks them to freely accept salvation and those who choose not to, choose separation from God (who is the source of all that is good)… condemning themselves to their own torture.
there’s a difference between allowing someone to choose their own foolish direction and actively punishing them.
Absolutely agree and it’s time Diana faces the reality.
Hey Angelo Zheng’s
How about some reality for you? ?
You’re extremely wrong. The 1993 allegations were proven extortion , the 2005 allegations were proven extortion. There was all together only 4 people who ever accused him of such crimes and they were all proven to be extortion attempts.
Wade testified for Michael during the trial that nothing ever happened , his mother testified that she asked Michael to sponsor them to move to the US, she kept following and chasing Michael not the other way around. She wanted her son to be an entertainer and wanted Michael to help. He did help, wade was in 3 of his videos. They also visited neverland a couple times but of those times sometimes Michael was even there he was touring and working. His niece and nephew Brandi and Taj Jackson can attest to this because they were there the same time Wade was.
Safechuck signed a document during the 1993 and 2005 allegations stating nothing wrong ever happened. Safechuck also said Michael didn’t remain friends with him after he was a teenager. That’s another fabricated lie because he was 16 and on set of MJs video with Michaels wife Lisa Marie in 1996 for a video for his history album.
Michael was always innocent. He didn’t have the heart, mind or soul of an evil person. He’d have slit his wrist before he’d hurt a child.
People have taken advantage of his money and fame because he was worth over a billion dollars. It’s about money and also a conspiracy to use MJ to cover the crimes of real abusers.
Michael Jackson sexually abused children. His sexual desires were narcissistic, infantile, evil and profoundly manipulative. He had the money. He had the influence. Look at who defend him now! He is dead and all his moneyed powerful friends rush to his defense. No one could stand up to his powerful evil influence.
((Remember the mantra: “believe the children” – except when they accuse Michael Jackson.))
Evil man with the false childlike falsetto voice. A great dancer. But does that excuse his phallis being used against children for his own warped pleasure?
The answer is: NO.
And what excuse do you have for supporting liars? ?????
Is this YOUR SICK PLEASURE ? Or are you just as lazy as everyone else by not doing ANY RESEARCH? ?
THIS IS THE VERY THING the movie producer, LyingWade and Upchuck ?… along with a rating seeking wench like Oprah, (who’s out to destroy anyone just for the ratings) are. Punting on. A LAZY PEOPLE WHO DON’T know, and will NOT SEARCH FOR THE FACTS… let alone THE TRUTH!
If Oprah is so disgusted about abuse, then where is her report on her good friend Weinstein? When will she bring the abused victims forward to do a “ tell all “ account?
She won’t, because that’s one of her buddies… and buddies don’t expose their buddies faults.
Meanwhile, she saw a chance for big ratings ( which I’ve been told fell short of her expectations) while she ( again) was counting on nobody checking the facts on these 2 loosers.
When you’re broke, and your wife threatens to leave your broke butt, after you’ve already had a metal breakdown… because you FAILED to keep the prophecy of your dear friend (MJ) alive by doing movies and being part of documentaries on MJ … only to be passed over for someone who was mentally stronger to take the stress…and you’re trying to sell the most precious things that your dearest friend gave to you… that made you feel that his spirit was still with you…
but NOW you’re willing to SELL IT ALL …because you’re BROKE?
Oh don’t take my word for it .
Look it up yourself. It’s easy enough to find. But you’re willing to bet your house on a liar, before you search formfacts and truth!
Go ahead. Keep exchanging the truth for LIES. But that makes you just as blood guilty as Lying Wade and Upchuck ?.
Here’s your tag.- Lyin’ Laura
Don’t like it? Then CHANGE IT! ?
FIND THE TRUTH, or prepare for
the same outcome as those 2 liars!
He wasn’t a great dancer. Gregory Hines was a great dancer.
Sammy Davis, Jr too. Plus, he could sing and act. An amazing talent. Most people today don’t know about Sammy or never even heard about him.
Notice Streisand now says: “I truly respect and admire them for speaking their truth.”
What is THEIR truth? Should be THE truth. Apparently Streisand is still standing by the dead creep.
If ‘Ms Ross’ defends a pervert, she is likely one herself. These people are singers. Vaudevillian performers. Court jesters. These are not philosophers, writers – most are not even educated. And they want to speak for humanity. She’s a perv.
And you’re supporting 2 washes up liars, who were fantasizing about having sex with a man who’s now dead Take note how they really didn’t show any trauma. In fact they were smiling about it & talking about how pleasurable it was Sounds like some lying pedophiles to me?
good for Diana. She was his good friend during his life, and should know more than the people who’ve already convicted a dead man without a trial or conviction (as a matter of fact he’s been found innocent during every trial)– When I see the producer’s of the Movie have turned over the large amounts of money they’ve made to sexual abuse victims- I might believe it a little more
Mark..some of these children’s parents received upwards of 20 million dollars to go away..he paid off others tens of millions..the damage is done and paid for..
No, child abuse CAN’T be paid for.
Where’s the link to your information? None of what you said is in the FBI files or any of the police records.
Try again and state some FACTS for a change, please?
And you’re still lying about this? ?
Leaving Neverland ‘LIES’ exposed: ‘Wade Robson lied about more than Michael Jackson abuse’ | Music | Entertainment |
They are NOT victims but serial liars who have changed their story over and over again for years in court to get money from Mj’s Estate. The movie has been exposed as a fraud filled with proven lies.
Look it up, you see moron. He paid NO ONE.
Now , Who’s paying YOU to keep this lie going? More than likely the Pedophile Mafia.
Enjoy your BLOOD MONEY ? you sick & twisted freak!?
Sorry…GUILTY as SIN!
No. YOU’RE guilty as sin by spreading lies. I’m so sorry you’re so broke that you have to Succumb to being paid by the pedophile Mafia to spread lies about an innocent soul. God lying is one of the seven things that God despises. Stop it NOW, & maybe you
might make it into God’s Kingdom ?
WOW, what a twink.
‘Diane’ Wouldn’t Know ‘Love’ If It Bit Her On The Butt.
And what does that make you?
Obviously you don’t recognize a bunch of washed up liars, even if they were lying about YOU!
Go somewhere and sit down ?
He just got away with it by paying off those kids and parents with tens of millions of dollars…does everyone seem to forget that?
There’s nothing to remember as MJ didn’t pay off anyone ?
Now, who’s paying you to keep the lies going? ?????
The left eating the left…..finger lickin’ good:)
Latoya Jackson was right, a long time ago. That whole family suffered and she was honest. Wish Barbra and Diana had something to say about exonerating her after all these years.
Letoya was an abused and sick person. I’m not sure she’s really any better now after the abuse she received from that mafia husband she was trapped with! ?? What ever he told her to do or say, she knew she better DO SO , or suffer MORE ABUSE ??
Nothing she said is based on anything more than gaslighting ?
Cool-Aid from King of Pop… sad…
Latoya Jackson was abused by her husband Jack Gordon, he beat her and had her under control. He threatened her family if she didn’t lie on Michael during that time.
The 1993 allegations were proven extortion , the 2005 allegations were proven extortion. There was all together only 4 people who ever accused him of such crimes and they were all proven to be extortion attempts. Michaels insurance paid $20 million to Evan chandler in 1993 because Evan chandler wanted the criminal case dropped for a civil trial, he wanted money for a movie, there is a recording of him talking about he was gonna release the meanest lawyers if he didn’t get what he wants.
Wade testified for Michael during the trial that nothing ever happened , his mother testified that she asked Michael to sponsor them to move to the US, she kept following and chasing Michael not the other way around. She wanted her son to be an entertainer and wanted Michael to help. He did help, wade was in 3 of his videos. They also visited neverland a couple times but of those times sometimes Michael wasn’t even there he was touring and working. His niece and nephew Brandi and Taj Jackson can attest to this because they were there the same time Wade was.
Safechuck signed a document during the 1993 and 2005 allegations stating nothing wrong ever happened. Safechuck also said Michael didn’t remain friends with him after he was a teenager. That’s another fabricated lie because he was 16 and on set of MJs video with Michaels wife Lisa Marie in 1996 for a video for his history album.
Michael was always innocent. He didn’t have the heart, mind or soul of an evil person. He’d have slit his wrist before he’d hurt a child.
People have taken advantage of his money and fame because he was worth over a billion dollars. It’s about money and also a conspiracy to use MJ to cover the crimes of real abusers.
Has anyone seen Wade defending Michael Jackson as recently as 2011 when he was thrilled to be starring in a Cirque du Soleil about Michael himself. These kids are obviously lying and this type of documentary and accusations should be illegal. The man can’t defent himself and was previously cleared after a TEN YEAR investigation by the FBI. Maybe Michael was weird, but that doesn’t mean he molested children. You people are sick.
Michael was dangerous perverted pedophile you foolish twink.
That’s a great defense, Teatwaffle. You got me there…
Where are YOUR facts?
Here’s some you may have missed .
NOT GUILTY was the verdict.
13 years of FBI investigations showed nothing to prove anything except that LyingWade& Upchuck ?
are LYING ?
And there’s plenty more. Question is , WHY haven’t YOU FOUND THE FACTS?
Proof? Where is it ? ?????
Remember. You don’t work for the FBI . Their 13 years of monitoring MJs life, home, phone and actions and they show no such things in the records.
Why are you supporting liars? Or do you get paid to post such misinformation??
Not as dangerous as YOU ARE. You’re PAST FOOLISH! And a LIAR to boot. Go do your research. Learn the facts & stop working for the Pedophile Mafia. I’m sure the money is good, but it’s BLOOD MONEY ?
It’s truly sad how LAZY people are when it comes to searching for facts and truth. That’s why these people ARE SICK, because they continue to FEAST on LIES, SLANDER and CHARACTER assassination . ITS there fun and entertainment. ?????
But it’s OK. Their time will arrive when the vindication comes from a Higher Source. Then the lies that they shared in will place them with the entire bunch of evil souls who wish to destroy anyone who did great works for others who were not able to help theirselves.
Vengeance belongs to God. HE WILL REPAY ALL the LIARS!
Stay back so you don’t catch the shrapnel… cause it’s gonna hurt ?
We all know how much you can trust the FBI.
I trust the FBI a hell of a lot more than trusting professional liars like…
and ? Upchuck
Michael, you were and still are a beautiful child of God. Leave it all in his hands.
Michael Jackson sexually abused children. His sexual desires were narcissistic, infantile, evil and profoundly manipulative. He had the money. He had the influence. Look at who defend him now! He is dead and all his moneyed powerful friends rush to his defense. No one could stand up to his powerful evil influence.
((Remember the mantra: “believe the children” – except when they accuse Michael Jackson.))
Evil man with the false childlike falsetto voice. A great dancer. But does that excuse his phallis being used against children for his own warped pleasure?
The answer is: NO.
What does this comment even mean? It gave me a seizure. Who ever said “believe the children?” No one ever said that. His “accusers” were defending Michael well AFTER his death and if you believe them now, that means they lied under oath and should go to prison for perjury. This is disgusting and they are only in it for the money. If Michael did something to them and they “weren’t ready to talk about it” until now, why did they have to so strongly defend him countless times, on video? Wouldn’t they have just said, “I don’t want to talk about Michael.” No, instead it was, “I’m grateful for staring in a show honoring Michael’s legacy.” These men should be thrown in jail for trying to tarnish this man’s image for profit.
Agreed! ??
You sound like a member of NAMBLA, since you know so much about “warped pleasure.”
Contrary to your words, MJ never molested children. On the other hand, we see Harvey Weinstein, who’s involved in SEX TRAFFICKING, which many times involves children. He has over 100 accusers. MJ only had 6, & it’s been
PROVEN the accusers we’re out for EXTORTION! PERIOD!
Why don’t you look it up with the FBI & LAPD files? It’s there for EVERYONE to examine & learn the FACTS, that destroy THE LIES about MJ.
Barbra and Diana should go dig up Michael. pull down his zipper, and give him his needs.
Only someone who’s into porn would say something so stupid ?
You need to start reading your Bibles.
Godless liberalism loves when children are raped and harmed.
Godless leftists love to falsely accuse people and think that God will let them get away with it. It will come back to these lying opportunists one day, in life or in death.
He did it! He had a fckedup childhood, but he fckedup a lot of others too.
Facts please. You have no case in court without the facts !
The facts are out there, but you’re ignoring them all… and on purpose ?
I’ve seen NO FACTS from ANY of you MJ haters so far. You’re all a lying bunch, & supporters of two broke butt creeps who desperately need the money and attention. Get ready for the consequences that ALL LIARS have waiting for them.
Exactly that. These haters come out here and so easily believe these two liars and their horrid disgusting claims with no facts to back it.
Michael was proven innocent time and time again. Investigated by the FBI for over 10 years, cleared on every charge in 2005. The man was an innocent soul with no evil bone in his body.
Yet some people still wanna believe lies. I don’t understand it.
To hell with wade and James and anyone who’s ever used and hurt MJ.
Wade sure had a lot of good things to say about MJ, but when you’re broke, you’ll do ANYTHING FOR $$
I thought Michael was Diana?
How much of Michael’s actions can be placed at the feet of Papa Jackson, and his relationship with his son?
What actions ? ?????
And DON’T share the same lies as the rest. Just the facts, please ?
Wonder how many times these poor boys thought or said that as Michael Jackson was r@ping them.
You as sick woman, Ms. Ross, as sick as Striesand and as sick as MJ himself.
Here’s to hoping you and your Pedowood cronies have a shortened time here on earth left.
From the facts that have already been shared elsewhere… Wade and Upchuck had no reason to tell MJ or anyone else to stop. Now you’re blantenly defending the guilty, so they can make some money since their lies didn’t go through the first time.
Only liars support liars. And that’s what you’re doing . Therefore, to try to SAVE YOUR OWN LIFE, it’s time that YOU STOP supporting liars who will destroy anyone’s life and reputation, for the love of money !
If you continue to support these or any other liars, then may YOUR LIFE BE MADE SHORT, so maybe you’ll have a resurrection and get a clean slate with a 2nd chance to correct your hateful ignorance ?
Who defends a pedophile???
The same ones who defend liars ?
Your hands are full of innocent blood. Start running ????? NOW, and maybe you’ll run out of breath and save the angel from taking it from you ?????
And were Ed Buck’s sexual needs HIS sexual needs, too, Babs?
No one is defending a pedophile. Well, some do, if they are catholics, but that is on them. The thread quickly turned into a love fest for hell and torture, coming from those who should know better but they choose to believe mythological superstitions that their bibles borrowed from. These folks saying these things are no different than those in other religions who threaten others with death if they do not convert.
All abrahamic religions contain a violent core to their teachings…does anyone see the irony of following a deity that says it loves you, BUT will slaughter you and torture you even after you die if you do not blindly submit to it? Sounds like a normal loving thing no?
And some of you call that LOVE? Would YOU treat your children like you believe your god treats its own creation??? No, didn’t think so, so stop pushing your vengeful wrathful deity upon those of us who understand the difference between literal and allegory and who do not twist allegory into literal interpretations to support ones sick beliefs.
You are not the judge of Jackson, he’s dead, you do not possess all the evidence and you folks have no right to condemn a dead man based upon accusations.
Remember, your job is to pray for your enemies, do good to them that use you, so what is it that some of you are saying here? The only folks Christ spoke harshly to were RELIGIOUS PEOPLE…let THAT sink in.
You are frauds if you think your god favors your hatred and judgments. You have no clue the damage you do towards others, and I bet most of you hate your own lives, and wish your angry god would just kill all those YOU deem as unworthy.
You have allowed your religion to ruin your humanity.
PREACH IT, Mercy ! ??
Remain in The True God’s love ! ??
TK, Anne, RsM And others who refuse to state any facts!
Your ALL INEPT! ?Not only that…
Here’s your sign —John 8:44
a perverted comment by a pervert about a pervert.
How old are you and who ties your shoes for you?
Seriously… go back and read what you said and tell me if what you said makes any kind of sense!
” the two worse things in mankind is sincere ignorance and conscientiousness stupidity “
words from Dr. ML.King
Now ,let that marinate for a few and hopefully you will figure it out ?
Anyone ever notice that Michael’s cosmetic surgery was starting to vaguely resemble his light-skinned, childhood idol/mentor, Diana Ross(?)…pedophiles were often molested themselves as children…I’ve always wondered if something happened between Diana and Michael when Michael was just a kid…then when he could no longer have her, so he wanted to somehow become her(?)…….just sayin’
What I’ve noticed quite a bit of,
is how SOME people can make up some of the most ignorant observations. ?????
( say it )
a condition in which the pigment is lost from areas of the skin, causing whitish patches, often with no clear cause.
Even his oldest children have it ?????
Most educated people already knows that, even if they weren’t an MJ fan?????
Celebrities are blind to the offense. The behavior of celebrities throughout their lives are so twisted away from any societal norms, they think MJ was normal. Pedophilia is a crime,(for now) and the blame falls on the heads of the parents.
Hollywood is the pedophilia capital of the world. Charlie Chaplin was also a pedophile too!
And it is a global epidemic
“You want our anger because it justifies your self-fulfilling prophecy as a victim. You certainly are a victim: of yourself, by your own design. Not of Michael Jackson. Devouring our anger and making it about you deflects the thinly-veiled hatred you have for yourself.“
Open Letter to Wade Robson: No, I Don’t Hate You. – Reidun Saxerud
Okra Queenbee just deleted all the videos on her YT channel/social media regarding the #LeavingNeverland “documentary”. Including the clips of the interview she had with the “victims”.
She now says she’s sorry for any mistakes or misinformation. ?????
She’s ONLY SORRY for having been CAUGHT in a BUNCH OF LIES and spreading them everywhere. It’s time for her to be canceled from TV for the character assassination that she’s been leading so many into. I also hope the Jackson family sues her as well!
With all the FACTS that are now coming out about the lies told on MJ, I see a host of problems and lawsuits coming for all of these disgusting liars.
Let the lawsuits commence! ??
See how Safechuck is a liar ?
Piers, please report this on TV! The world should know that Reed Safechuck and Rosbon are FRAUDS! Leaving Neverland is a hoax!
Returning To Neverland Taj and Brandy interview
All my thanks goes out to @tajjackson3 , and @BJackson82 for taking time out of their busy day to provide us with this beautiful interview. We’re on the right side of history!
Links to transcripts ?
Radio Advert – The Dan Reed Calendar.
Full Video –
Brett Barnes Robson Culkin Chandler the Cascios David Agajanians were all friends with MJ during overlapping years. This whole idea that ever 12 months MJ moved to a new boy is BS !
When MJ was friends with Safechuck he was also friends with Sean Lennon?????
Safechuck claims in the movie he was abused in beds in the castle and the arcade. There were no beds in those buildings, he made it up just like he made it up that he was abused in the train station which was not even built yet! ?
Who’s really being abused here ??????
ALL of you MJ haters are mentally diseased… …
…everyone of you ! It’s quite scary because the propaganda is so artfully contrived, you’re swallowing ALL OF IT … “ hook line & sinker” …because you’re not paying close attention & you’re simply TOO DARN LAZY to do your own research! Plus most of you were probably paid trolls ?
How stupid you all look in the sight of The Almighty. And he knows where ALL OF YOU LIVE ! ?
Actually, you MJ haters are getting PAID by those who support the NAMBLA mind set. Big names, with big $$$ are using all of you idiots to keep spreading lies, as you get paid to do their dirty work.
Keep it up , suckers. You’re ALL going to pay quite DEARLY for supporting such slander of The Innocent!
What a bunch of dummies you are !! ???????????????