‘Sex and the City’ Actor Chris Noth Accused of Sexual Assault by Two Women

Chris Noth attends And Just Like That... HBO Max premiere. (Shutterstock)

Sex and the City actor Chris Noth has been accused of sexually assaulting two women in separate encounters, on separate coasts in 2004 and 2015, according to a new report.

The Hollywood Reporter published a Thursday article detailing the womens’ claims, and used pseudonyms to protect their identities. The two women reached out to the publication months apart and shared similar stories, THR said.

One woman with the pseudonym Zoe, said the Dec. 9 release of Sex and the City sequel series And Just Like That… brought back painful memories and prompted her to go public.

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She asked that her name be withheld because she works in the entertainment industry and feared there would be fallout if she were identified.

Noth’s character dies in the first episode of the new HBO Max series after suffering a heart attack following an intense workout on a Peloton bike.

Zoe, now 40, said she met Noth when he did business with the firm where she worked at age 22, shortly after she moved to Los Angeles. She said she visited the actor at his West Hollywood apartment and the building’s pool in 2004.

After going inside his apartment, Zoe claimed Noth “pulled her toward him, moved her toward the bed, pulled off her shorts and bikini bottom, and began to rape her from behind.” She told THR, “It was very painful and I yelled out, ‘Stop!’” She said he did not stop.

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A friend told THR she took Zoe to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, where she told staff she’d been assaulted and was treated for an injury. The friend said police were notified but Zoe refused to name the attacker.

The second woman, referred to as Lily in the article, is now 31 and a journalist. She said she met Noth in 2015 when she worked as a server in the VIP section of a New York nightclub. She was 25 at the time and Noth was 60.

She said the actor asked her out. They went to dinner, and later that night they went around the corner to his apartment. “He kept trying and trying and trying, and I should have said no more firmly and left. And then the next thing I knew, he pulled down his pants and he was standing in front of me,” she said.

She alleged Noth put his penis in her mouth. She told THR she asked him about his wife and children. “He said marriage is a sham. Monogamy is not real.” Lily then alleged she was raped. “He was having sex with me from the back in a chair. We were in front of a mirror. I was kind of crying as it happened.”

Noth, 67, issued a statement shortly after the article was published and said the encounters were consensual.

“The accusations against me made by individuals I met years, even decades, ago are categorically false. These stories could’ve been from 30 years ago or 30 days ago — no always means no — that is a line I did not cross,” Noth said. “It’s difficult not to question the timing of these stories coming out. I don’t know for certain why they are surfacing now, but I do know this: I did not assault these women,” he said.

Later Thursday, actress Zoe Lister-Jones — who worked with Noth when he starred on a Law & Order series — posted a statement on Instagram calling the actor a “sexual predator.”

“Last week my friend asked me how I felt about Mr. Big’s death on And Just Like That, and I said, honestly, I felt relieved. He asked why and I told him it was because I couldn’t separate the actor from the man, and the man is a sexual predator,” Lister-Jones wrote.

“My friend was alarmed at my word choice. And to be honest, so was I. I hadn’t thought of this man for so many years, and yet there was a virility to my language that came from somewhere deep and buried,” she continued.

Lister-Jones detailed her encounters with Noth in the post.

“In my twenties I worked at a club in NY that Chris Noth owned and on the few occasions he would show up, he was consistently sexually inappropriate with a fellow female promoter. That same year I was a guest star on Law and Order and it was his first episode after returning as a detective after SATC. He was drunk on set,” Lister-Jones continued.

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About Anita Bennett

Anita Bennett is the editor and founder of Urban Hollywood 411. She can be reached on Twitter @tvanita.